Learn More About Kindness and Care Beyond Borders, Inc. {KCBB}
Kindness and Care Beyond Borders, Inc. {KCBB} is based in Germantown, Maryland. The President and Executive Director, Salahuddeen Abdul Kareem, has more than 48 years of experience interacting with children in multiple settings. Having worked as a teacher, assistant principal, principal, board member, and parents' representative in American private and public schools for more than 48 years, he has dedicated his life to helping children grow and develop while encouraging them to explore and pursue their life goals. He seeks the same for the fast-growing international orphan community around the world. Please help KCBB make life better for as many innocent children as possible. The orphan community has grown and continues to grow around the world (currently there are more than 153 million orphans around the world, and the number is fast-growing). More than 5000 innocent children become orphans every day. Together, we can make life a little better for these innocent children. Kindly support KCBB and share the joy and privilege of helping young people grow into healthy, well-mannered, well-educated, contributing adults. Your reward is with Allah, The Most High. Your support has earned Prophetic pleasure and applause as expressed in Islam's authentic Prophetic literature, peace and blessings be upon every Prophet from Adam to Muhammad.
Kindness and Care Beyond Borders, Inc., orphan support contributions have reached the following thirteen countries: Afghanistan, America, Haiti, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Malaysia, Morocco, Nigeria, Palestine, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen. More than 1500 orphans and poor children have received material and financial support from KCBB since 2011. We have so many wonderful people to thank for their support. However, with that said, there is much more that needs to be done. We need your tax-deductible contributions to help KCBB help the global orphan community. We really need to open an multi-complex, residence-office in Southeast Asia to better organize and coordinate our work. Will you help? Will you make a donation to help us purchase a property for this purpose?

Look at my little orphan-sister friend who we met during a visit to Indonesia seven years ago (2018). She had just arrived at the orphanage (Ar Rahmah) only a day or two before our visit.

The Prophet of Allah, Muhammad (pbuh&h) said: "See knowledge from the cradle to the grave."
Dear Special Friends of KCBB:
This is Br. Jefri Rindengan and Uswatun Hasannah who graduated from an Indonesian college in 2020 and 2021. They earned Bachelor's Degrees in Shariah Economics and Islamic Studies. My wife and I met Jefri and Uswatun more than eight years ago. They were both in high school at the time. After graduating from high school, our organization gladly paid Jefri's and Uswatun's college enrollment, registration fees, and transportation to and from their orphanage in Manado, Indonesia. We hope and pray they will gain employment and continue serving the orphan community where they continue to live. Two great stories with special endings.

"Mr. Salahuddeen and Ms. Irda first visited our orphanage (Darul-Istiqaamah) in 2015 (June and July). There are more than 100 girls in our orphanage-community. We were in desperate need of school uniforms and more. Thankfully, they were able to purchase four new sewing machines for our orphanage. An adult community member will teach some of us how to sew so that we can make our own uniforms and much more. If we didn't receive these sewing machine gifts from KCBB, we would continue wearing school uniforms and clothing that are too small and outworn. We are more than thankful for this gift! We can't thank KCBB enough for their kindness and care."
Whenever my wife, Sr. Irda, is with the children it's fun time! It's always time to forget the sadness and loneliness surrounding orphan-life at least for a while. Sr. Irda is a "huge hit" with the children - both girls and boys. She has a way of turning sadness into joy and happiness, no matter what child she meets during our orphanage visits. This little Malaysian boy lost both parents in a car crash in 2014 (please pray for them and him). Fortunately, he has an orphanage-home in a suburban Kuala Lumpur, Malaysian orphanage. We hope to see him in at some point in the future, God-willing.

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